Cruelty Free Hair Color in Canton, MI

If you were to ask anyone in my life to describe me, I almost guarantee that “animal lover” would be in their list. I have a 6 month old puppy, my Facebook feed is a modge podge of hair and funny animal videos, and I recently became a vegetarian. Granted, I have also recently started eating meat again, but that is another story. (One word: Bacon. Yum!) Something that is very dear to my heart is the importance of working with a cruelty free product line. I am so lucky to work with AVEDA. They do not only have cruelty free hair color, but do not test any of their products on animals.

Cruelty Free Hair Color

What does it mean to have cruelty free hair color? When you Google the term “cruelty free” the definition that comes up is: manufactured or developed by methods that do not involve experimentation on animals. Animal testing can be extremely torturous to our fluffy little friends. It also does not give us true results because obviously the products will be used on humans, not animals in the long run.

How Does AVEDA Test Their Cruelty Free Hair Color?

Cruelty Free Hair Color
Cruelty Free Hair Color

Another unique aspect of AVEDA is that it tests all of their products on humans throughout the entire development process. In their corporate offices in Blaine, Minnesota, AVEDA has their research salon. I was able to see this part of the factory last weekend while I was there for my Color Culture class. The people who work in the research salon are all licensed cosmetologists. They are trained on how to evaluate the different color products on a number scale. This is so that results from tests can easily be taken down. They have people come in and will sometimes put two different formulas on each side of their head so that they can see the differences and similarities between products. If you are interested in being one of their models, you can fill out the application on their recruiting page.

One of the benefits of testing like this is the location. It is in the same building as the hair color lab and factory. When experiments are done, they are able to page the hair color chemists and the Global Artistic Director.

The fact the AVEDA has cruelty free hair color is just one of the many reasons I can not get enough of this company. Stop into the salon soon so I can tell you more about the amazing company I get to work with.

Until next time,

Josie 🙂

Clip in Custom Extensions in Canton, MI

Clip in Extensions

Long thick hair is so “in” right now. Almost everyone I talk to seems to be growing their hair out. How nice would it be to be able to have those long locks you’ve been dreaming of at the snap of your fingers? It is totally possible with the help of Amanda at Ashka Salon Spa. Amanda is our clip in custom  extensions specialist.

Custom Extensions
Clip in Custom Extensions Specialist – Amanda

Benefits of Clip in Custom Extensions

Clip in extensions are great because they can help you to achieve the look you want for a specific event, and then you can take them out as soon as you get home. While you can purchase clip in extensions from many companies online, it’s always nerve wracking wondering if it will match your own hair color. By coming in to see Amanda for clip in custom extensions, you can ensure they will be the perfect color! Amanda will also cut the extensions to blend in with your natural hair in the best way possible.

Custom Extensions
Clip in Extensions

How Do You Get Your Clip in Custom Extensions?

Call 734-414-9980 so that you can set up for complimentary consultation! You will be able to sit down with Amanda and talk about why you want clip in extensions. She will tell you what is realistic versus not and what to expect from your clip ins. You guys will pick out a color and Amanda will measure your head so that they fit perfectly to you! When leaving your consultation you will be 50% down as a deposit. In about a week, you will come back to see Amanda to get your clip ins put in and cut to blend with your hair. At that appointment you would pay the remainder of your balance.

If you are interested in getting your own set of clip in custom extensions, call today to book your complimentary consultation with Amanda! Be sure to check out our facebook to see our wonderful team’s work!

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Balancing Work & Play at Ashka Salon Spa

Balancing Work

If you were to talk to my manager, she would tell you that I constantly struggle with balancing work and play. I have been caught multiple times asking if having down time is even worth it. Some people may even consider me a “workaholic”. Coming from someone who just adores her job and wants nothing but to be able to be the best she can be, squeezing in me time can be very difficult. I have found though, those off chances that I do pamper myself, are more than deserved.

Balancing Work
Balancing Work and Play can be harder than it seems.

Balancing Work with Play

How many times have you worked yourself so hard that you dread when your alarm clock goes off in the morning? While I am not saying we can make you love that (annoying) sound every morning, I can promise that we can help make it a little more bearable. I challenge you to end a long work week with a Manicure with Kym, or a Massage with Sarah. Maybe you even just need a trim so you can enjoy your complimentary scalp massage. At Ashka Salon Spa, we are working to give you some “me” time. We want you to put down your phone that can drive you batty during the work hours and just enjoy the peace and quiet with us. Book an appointment with Beth for a facial after a big presentation. Again, I promise you will love it.


“The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole, for making unexpected connections and waiting for the wild summer lightning strikes of inspiration—it is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done.” This was written by Tim Krieder for the New York Times. It is a wonderful quote. It shows how important downtime truly is. You need downtime in order to accomplish anything.

As I said before, I challenge you to set aside time for yourself. Away from your work. Away from your family. Away from any responsibilities. Enjoy your time in the serenity offered at Ashka Salon Spa

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Airbrush Makeup in Canton Michigan

Airbrush Makeup

With so many makeup brands, tutorials, and gurus out there nowadays, it is hard to keep it all straight. I feel like I even get overwhelmed with it all sometimes. Hopefully with this blog I am able to clear up just one of multiple options out there for you; Airbrush Makeup.

Airbrush Makeup
Airbrush Makeup by Mona

Airbrush Makeup Vs Traditional Makeup

At Ashka Salon Spa, we used to offer traditional makeup applications using AVEDA makeup. It was a hard decision but we finally switched over to strictly Airbrush Makeup a few years ago. There were many reasons behind this decision.

Airbrush Makeup looks flawless in photos. When you are using a brush or a sponge, it is very difficult to get every line blended perfectly so that our high tech HD cameras don’t pick up on them. With airbrush, because it is applied as a mist, those lines are automatically blended. This gives your face a natural perfect complexion.

Like I have already mentioned, it is applied in a sheer mist. This allows for your natural coloring to come through the makeup. This not only gives it a more natural look, but it also helps prevent “cake-face”.

The brand we use at Ashka Salon Spa is TEMPTU. It is waterproof. This means that it is also tear, sweat, and any other liquid proof to keep your look perfect throughout your event.

All in all, I truly believe Airbrush Makeup is the way to go for any special occasion you may have. It is just so lightweight and flawless looking. I personally love how it feels on my skin. If I didn’t know I had a full face of makeup on, I wouldn’t have guessed it simply because you feel fresh faced.


Airbrush Makeup
Airbrush Makeup by Jessie

Call today to set up your makeup application for your next event! 734-414-9980

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Sticker Extensions at Ashka Salon Spa

Sticker Extensions

Extensions are such a popular trend right now. At Ashka Salon and Spa we offer multiple times and brands of extensions. One of the types that we offer is Sticker Extensions. Sticker Extensions are a great way to create a lasting style that still is not as much of a commitment as some other extension types. Every summer I usually get sticker extensions put in my hair for a temporary pop of color. It’s perfect because I don’t have the commitment of a purple or blue streak in my hair but I also have long lasting results. I wore my purple extensions half of summer and it didn’t fade noticeably. I was able to swim and enjoy the summer sun without worrying about ruining my hair color!

Sticker Extensions – How Do They Work?

Sticker Extensions
Sticker Extensions for a Pop of Color

Sticker Extensions are just like how they sound; stickers! There is two pieces of hair that sandwich a small slice of your own hair and that is how they stay on. Our extension specialists will customize the placement and cut of your extensions so that you can have the look you’ve always wanted. You can use them for an whole head application, to add volume to your sides, or as accent pieces of color.

Sticker Extensions
Sticker Extensions

With all extension services at Ashka Salon Spa, we require a complimentary consultation. During this appointment you will see hair swatches of colors, get an exact price for your custom extensions, and learn exactly how it will work with your desired style. We do require that you put down a nonrefundable deposit of half of the cost for your extension appointment before booking your service. This pays for the cost of the hair as well as to hold your appointment for the day of.

Call today to see Lisa or I for your custom extensions! 734-414-9980

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Prom Hair and Makeup in Canton, MI

It’s officially Prom season! This is one of the biggest days in a young person’s life up to that point. It is so important to many of the Seniors and Juniors going to prom that everything goes as smoothly as possible! Ashka Salon Spa is your one stop shop for all of your prom needs. Get your prom hair, nails, and makeup done by our fabulous team. Stop in earlier this week to get your eyebrows and maybe even a facial too!

Prom Hair at Ashka Salon Spa

Prom Hair
Prom Hair by Josie

With Pinterest making amazing up style pictures available with ease, at the salon we are seeing more intricate styles from our clients! To me, this make my job that much more fun. I absolutely love giving my clients upstyles that they wouldn’t be able to achieve themselves at home. I always worn people, “it’s kind of an ugly process so bare with me, but it will all come together in the end”. In order to achieve these beautiful (appearingly) effortless looks, you have to approach the style in sections. Because of this puzzle-like technique it can look worse before it gets better. Honestly, that is one of the reason I love up styles so much. After teasing and curling the hair, you could look like a lion. But by the time I am done smoothing and pinning the hair, you have a sleek elegant look.

Prom hair styles can range from $60 to $105 depending on who you see. Extensive braiding, the addition of extensions or placement of embellishments may incur an additional charge. Please mention these extras when making your appointment to insure enough time is scheduled.

Pair Your Prom Hair with the Perfect Makeup

Prom Hair
Prom Hair and Makeup by Mona

At Ashka Salon Spa, we use Airbrush Makeup for all of our face makeup. We do this because of the versatility that it provides our  Makeup Artists and clients. The Temptu Airbrush Makeup is extremely lightweight but still provides full coverage. It looks amazing on camera making it perfect to look back on for your Prom memories.

Airbrush Makeup Applications range in price from $60 to $80 depending on who you see. Our Makeup Artists will be able to give you a customized look for your special day to meet your needs!

All in all, Prom is a very exciting day for all, including us stylists! I know I can’t wait for Prom Day this year. Book your appointment today! 734-414-9980

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Shellac Manicure in Canton, MI

Shellac Manicure

Since I was assisting for the past year and a half, my hands have really be taking a beating. No matter what I do to them they still seem dry and my cuticles are always stained with hair color. This is the exact reason I needed to see Kym for a Shellac Manicure. Kym is our lead nail technician at Ashka Salon Spa. She is seriously a miracle worker. The benefits of a shellac manicure versus a regular manicure are endless to me. I work with my hands in water all day everyday and regular nail polish will only last a day.

What Do You Get in a Shellac Manicure?

Shellac Manicure
Shellac Manicure by Kym

Kym starts with doing any nail maintenance that you may need first. It is important to completely clear the nail bed of any cuticle and oil. This makes your shellac stay the longest possible. Kym will shape your nails first and then let your cuticle sit with product on them to remove them. After pushing back your  cuticles and nipping them, your nails are wiped with a hot towel, buffed and the oil is removed. Then the fun part begins. I love picking out my nail color. To me, it is a huge part of self expression. Am I feeling bubbly and pink? Or more mysterious and dark? After a base coat, two color coats and a top coat, your nails are completely dry and ready to go. That is one of the best parts about a Shellac Manicure, the minute you are done, your nails are dry. I can’t even paint my nails anymore with regular polish because I am so impatient with the drying process. And since they are dry, you get to enjoy an amazing hand massage by Kym before leaving!

The Power of a Shellac Manicure

Shellac Manicure
Shellac Manicure Results

The power of a manicure is absolutely incredible. I’m pretty sure after every manicure or pedicure I have every gotten, the first words out my mouth have been “Ahhh, I feel human again”. It gives me confidence and feeling of being put together. I feel professional when my nails look professional. A shellac manicure is without a doubt is a can’t miss service for me. Call today to book your appointment with Kym!

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

The Importance of the Correct Shampoo

Correct Shampoo

Before I started working in the beauty industry, I was definitely guilty of using drugstore brands for my shampoo and conditioner. I used whatever my mom bought me and that was it. As far as I knew, my hair felt great! Wrong. Looking back, my hair was super crispy. I was using an outrageous amount of hairspray and gel to hold back my ballet bun, and I was washing and straightening my hair everyday for school.  Between how I was styling my hair and the products I was using, my hair was NOT in good shape. After working in an AVEDA salon for 3 years now, I would love to go back in time. I would tell myself so many things. But one of the biggest would be to shampoo correctly. Starting with the correct shampoo and conditioner means you are prepping your hair for success. When you wash your face before applying your make up, you want the cleanest, smoothest surface to work on. Wouldn’t you want the same before styling your hair? I thought it would be a fun experiment to compare a common drugstore brand shampoo and conditioner to my favorite AVEDA shampoo and conditioner.

What is the Correct Shampoo? – The Experiment

I typically with washing my hair 2 to 3 times per week. This helps insure my color stays the best and also doesn’t dry out my hair from excessive oil stripping. For this experiment I washed my hair with my favorite AVEDA shampoo, Smooth Infusion. And I conditioned with AVEDA’s Damage Remedy conditioner. I blew out my hair and wore my style for 2 days. I curled my hair on day 2. I repeated this using a common drugstore brand and recorded my findings. I used the same AVEDA styling products and tools to style my hair. This insured that the only differences was my shampoo and conditioner.

AVEDA Shampoo and Conditioner; Is This the Correct Shampoo? – Day 1

Sunday morning I woke up and washed my hair. I shampooed twice with AVEDA’s Smooth Infusion Shampoo. I conditioned using AVEDA’s Damage Remedy Conditioner. I left my conditioner on for 5 minutes. I used a wide tooth comb and AVEDA’s Damage Control to comb through my hair. To style my hair I used AVEDA’s Pure Abundance Style Prep and the Smooth Infusion Nourishing Creme. I round brushed my hair out how I normally do.

My hair felt soft and fluffy. Once I took the picture I could tell I needed a trim. Which, unfortunately, no product will be able to fix that. They just need to be cut fresh. Other than that my hair was in good shape. Combing through my mane was easy and didn’t cause much discomfort.

Correct Shampoo
Day 1 with AVEDA Shampoo and Conditioner – Correct Shampoo Challenge

AVEDA Shampoo and Conditioner; Is This the Correct Shampoo? – Day 2

Monday was my day off from work so I took it easy in the morning. Like I previously said, I don’t like to wash my hair everyday because the natural oils your scalp produces is good for your hair. To get ready for my day I curled my hair and used AVEDA’s Air Control hairspray to hold my style.

My hair didn’t have as much body as it did the day before. I expected this though. I’m a crazy sleeper and usually wake up with bed head. My curls held pretty well throughout the day and really only fell a little bit. My hair still felt really good and had a lot of natural shine to it.

Correct Shampoo
Day 2 with AVEDA Shampoo and Conditioner – Correct Shampoo Challenge

Drugstore Shampoo and Conditioner; Is This the Correct Shampoo? – Day 1

Tuesday morning I had to go to the salon early to do my best friend’s hair. While she was processing, I had her wash my hair with drugstore damage repair shampoo and conditioner. I picked this kind because if I were shopping for shampoo and conditioner, I definitely would be looking for damage control. It promises that my hair will be fixed in just 3 washes. Talk about a miracle worker. I blew out my hair using the same products and tools as I had when I blew out my hair for the AVEDA shampoo and conditioner.

My hair felt oddly soft. I knew my hair wasn’t healthy enough to feel the way it did. It almost had a wax-y feeling to it. I can easily see how people are fooled by how your hair feels when using these products. However when I was combing out my hair, I lost a lot more hair than I had before. I used the same comb as I had so I was definitely shocked to see what a drastic difference there was. My hair was are to blow  out and I had a hard time giving it any bend to the ends with my round brush.

correct shampoo
Day 1 with Drugstore Shampoo and Conditioner – Correct Shampoo Challenge

Drugstore Shampoo and Conditioner; Is This the Correct Shampoo? – Day 2

I woke up on Wednesday and my hair was so silky soft. Knowing that I was supposed to curl my hair, I knew this would be an issue. However, I couldn’t use anything more than what I had used previously. I attempted to curl my hair and I loaded up my hair with hairspray but it just wouldn’t hold no matter what I did. I was blown away by the difference in my hair after just one wash.

Correct Shampoo
Day 2 with Drugstore Shampoo and Conditioner – Correct Shampoo Challenge

In conclusion, I will definitely not be switching from my AVEDA shampoo and conditioner anytime soon. I love the fact that they are all natural ingredients and my hair feels better than ever.

AVEDA makes a lot of different shampoo and conditioner lines to fit everyone’s needs. Whether your hair is thinning, or you are concerned about your color fading, Ashka Salon Spa has something for you! Call or stop in today to get our professional opinion about what would be best for your lifestyle and hair.

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

My Experience Entering a Hair Contest

Hair Contest

AVEDA held a hair contest this month called Full Spectrum Fusion. We as colorists had to create a look using a combination of our two permanent haircolor lines. When I saw the flyer in the break room, I knew I wanted to enter. Just starting on the floor, I figured this would be a good way to really look into the color lines and get comfortable with them.

I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I was going to need a model for it. I put out a “hair color model needed” post on social media and immediately heard back from people. One of my friends who went to cosmetology school messaged me. She was interested in trying the oil slick trend. The oil slick trend is meant to replicate what it looks like when there is spilled gas or oil on the cement creating a rainbow effect.

Hair Contest
Oil Spill

Entering a Hair Contest 101 – Never Stop Thinking About it

I spent the next couple of weeks looking into different ways to achieve this technique. There were a few big name stylists who had posted how to videos and I watched as many as I could. I took my time making swatches in the salon so I could see exactly how my formulas would turn out. I made a huge poster board explaining step by step how I was going to achieve my work.

hair contest
My preparation board to enter the hair contest!

When my model came in, I showed her all of my preparation and we were both eager to get started. As I worked through my process, I became more and more eager to see the final outcome. It seemed like everything was going perfect! It took a total of 6 hours to get the results I was looking for and unfortunately my model needed to go so I wasn’t able to get the pictures I wanted.

hair contest
My oil slick colors for the hair contest


Entering a Hair Contest – The Photoshoot

hair contest
One of the many images taken for the contest!

hair contest

My model said she would come back in a day for me to style and photograph my work. I was definitely nervous that she would wash it before then just because I knew the colors would be the most vibrant right then. However she didn’t and waited for me to style her hair for her. I learned a lot while we were taking pictures. There is a lot of “behind the scenes” when you look at a beautiful picture in a magazine. We styled her hair with products that I wouldn’t necessarily use if I was just sending her out the door. We also had to be very critical of how the hair was laying. We ended up taking a total of 23 pictures only to submit 1.

Hair Contest
My Oil Slicked Mermaid – My Final Image

In the end, all of my colors turned out exactly how I wanted. There is definitely some things about the process that I would change, but all in all I love how it turned out. You never know how your work will compare to other entries but I know that I did my absolute best. I turned in my photo knowing how much work I put into it, and I was, and still am proud. I will be sure to post another blog once I hear how I did!

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

America’s Beauty Show in Chicago

America's Beauty Show

Last weekend I attended America’s Beauty Show in Chicago with 9 of the girls from Ashka Salon Spa. It is held once a year at McCormick Place in downtown Chicago. I went for the first time last year and it was absolutely amazing. I had gone in really not knowing what to expect at all. However, I was determined to make the most out of this years trip. Especially since I had to reschedule another AVEDA class I registered for in order to go.

America's Beauty Show
America’s Beauty Show 2016

America’s Beauty Show – Classes

As I have talked about before, I LOVE continued education. I love talking classes. And I love to learn. My manager had said I should try to take a class over the weekend to make up for having to reschedule my other one. I could not find where the classes were anywhere and I was really starting to stress out. Luckily my coworker Christine had taken classes at America’s Beauty Show before. She showed me the catalog of all possible classes. And of course, I went crazy. I ended up buying a three day pass to the show and signing up for a total of 5 classes. I know everyone thought I was crazy but honestly I was so pumped.

I had two classes on Saturday. My first class was Larisa Love’s Color. Larisa Love is an amazing colorist that I have been following on Instagram for some time now. This was the class I was most excited to take! I had ubered (by myself! Eek!) to the McCormick Place and arrived an hour and a half early. I checked in to the show on the main floor and had bought myself a pop. I knew I was early and wanted to check out the showroom before class. I knew I needed to figure out where I was going first. I asked one of the hair show workers where it was being held and she said it was “across the skybridge and in the hotel”. I said thanks and headed that way. I was looking for room C-2004 but I couldn’t find it anywhere. By this point I had killed 45 minutes and I was starting to panic. I asked the hotel concierge where the room might be and he told me it’s right by registration. If you were to ask my boyfriend or my best friend, they would tell you how much of a panic I was in. I was sending them video updates throughout the weekend via snapchat. I sprinted back to where I needed to be and got to class with 30 minutes to spare. I was in the front room and settled into my seat when I opened my pop and it exploded everywhere. Luckily the lady next to me was super nice and we laughed about it and she helped me clean it up. When the class started I was in awe. I couldn’t believe Larissa was really there in front of me. She brought out two models. One whose hair was completely done with the techniques she was going to teach. The other model’s hair was half done because she was going to complete the look in front of us. She taught us multiple color technique’s including the balayage sandwich and the teardrop technique. Larissa did a meet and greet after where I was able to talk and ask her questions one on one with her and get our picture too!

America's Beauty Show
Larissa Love and I at America’s Beauty Show 2016

My second class was much easier to find and I still arrived about a half hour early and was able to catch the last half of the class before the one I had signed up for. My second class was Camera Ready Styling. My dream is to work behind the scenes at New York’s Fashion Week one day. I love the idea of working on photoshoots and expressing myself creatively through that platform. This class was put on by Tearsheets which is a company who offers classes in runway and editorial styling. The biggest thing I learned from this class was that this company will teach you how to work effectively on photo shoots. By taking one of their classes you are put on their creative team and they invite people from that list to help behind the scenes for runway shows. They even bring people in for Fashion Week! It made my dream extremely tangible. I am excited to look into taking one of these classes in 2017 as one of my big education investments.


America’s Beauty Show – Showroom Floor

America's Beauty Show
Showroom Floor

Besides from classes, America’s Beauty Show has a HUGE showroom floor. It has almost any product or tool in the industry that you can think of. I was like a kid in a candy store. Last year was my first year attending and I just went in blind to see what I could find. This year I made myself a shopping list. I knew I wanted new round brushes, my boyfriend needed trimmers, and my mom wanted some color touch up. When you walk in, it’s hard to not be overwhelmed by the amount of activity that is going on.

What is cool about the showroom floor is that each brand that is there usually has demonstrations and seating in their booth area. I could walk around and watch mini hair shows all day long and honestly that’s pretty much what I ended  up doing!

I walked up to one booth that had a bit of a crowd around it. The gathering wasn’t big enough for me to think anything of it other than how busy the show was in general. I looked down at a table and there was a book written by Jenny Strebe. She is another amazing stylist who I love and follow on social media platforms. She specializes in styling and braids. I had wanted her new book for a while. On the table I saw a sharpie and it clicked that she must be at the show signing books! I looked around to see her standing not even three feet away from me talking to someone else. I couldn’t believe it! I purchased her book and she signed it for me. I even got a picture with her!

America's Beauty Show
Jenny Strebe and I at America’s Beauty Show 2016

All in all, that weekend was extremely successful. I love being in such an inspiring place and I am very fortunate to be able to attend these types of shows. I cannot wait to try my new techniques and tools that I purchased!

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂