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Airbrush Makeup in Canton Michigan

Airbrush Makeup

With so many makeup brands, tutorials, and gurus out there nowadays, it is hard to keep it all straight. I feel like I even get overwhelmed with it all sometimes. Hopefully with this blog I am able to clear up just one of multiple options out there for you; Airbrush Makeup.

Airbrush Makeup
Airbrush Makeup by Mona

Airbrush Makeup Vs Traditional Makeup

At Ashka Salon Spa, we used to offer traditional makeup applications using AVEDA makeup. It was a hard decision but we finally switched over to strictly Airbrush Makeup a few years ago. There were many reasons behind this decision.

Airbrush Makeup looks flawless in photos. When you are using a brush or a sponge, it is very difficult to get every line blended perfectly so that our high tech HD cameras don’t pick up on them. With airbrush, because it is applied as a mist, those lines are automatically blended. This gives your face a natural perfect complexion.

Like I have already mentioned, it is applied in a sheer mist. This allows for your natural coloring to come through the makeup. This not only gives it a more natural look, but it also helps prevent “cake-face”.

The brand we use at Ashka Salon Spa is TEMPTU. It is waterproof. This means that it is also tear, sweat, and any other liquid proof to keep your look perfect throughout your event.

All in all, I truly believe Airbrush Makeup is the way to go for any special occasion you may have. It is just so lightweight and flawless looking. I personally love how it feels on my skin. If I didn’t know I had a full face of makeup on, I wouldn’t have guessed it simply because you feel fresh faced.


Airbrush Makeup
Airbrush Makeup by Jessie

Call today to set up your makeup application for your next event! 734-414-9980

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

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