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Balancing Work & Play at Ashka Salon Spa

Balancing Work

If you were to talk to my manager, she would tell you that I constantly struggle with balancing work and play. I have been caught multiple times asking if having down time is even worth it. Some people may even consider me a “workaholic”. Coming from someone who just adores her job and wants nothing but to be able to be the best she can be, squeezing in me time can be very difficult. I have found though, those off chances that I do pamper myself, are more than deserved.

Balancing Work
Balancing Work and Play can be harder than it seems.

Balancing Work with Play

How many times have you worked yourself so hard that you dread when your alarm clock goes off in the morning? While I am not saying we can make you love that (annoying) sound every morning, I can promise that we can help make it a little more bearable. I challenge you to end a long work week with a Manicure with Kym, or a Massage with Sarah. Maybe you even just need a trim so you can enjoy your complimentary scalp massage. At Ashka Salon Spa, we are working to give you some “me” time. We want you to put down your phone that can drive you batty during the work hours and just enjoy the peace and quiet with us. Book an appointment with Beth for a facial after a big presentation. Again, I promise you will love it.


“The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole, for making unexpected connections and waiting for the wild summer lightning strikes of inspiration—it is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done.” This was written by Tim Krieder for the New York Times. It is a wonderful quote. It shows how important downtime truly is. You need downtime in order to accomplish anything.

As I said before, I challenge you to set aside time for yourself. Away from your work. Away from your family. Away from any responsibilities. Enjoy your time in the serenity offered at Ashka Salon Spa

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

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