Bridal Hair with Our Lead Bridal Artist

Bridal Hair

Someone’s wedding day is considered to be one of the biggest days of their lives. Brides everywhere search hard to find someone who can give them the perfect look for it. Some want to feel like a princess. Others want to feel like a slightly elevated version of themselves. And to some, it might be both. Bridal hair and makeup and truly make or break your wedding. It affects all aspects of your day! Finding someone who can give you everything you could dream of and more on your day is super important. I know at Ashka Salon Spa you will find just that.

Bridal Hair and Makeup Prep: What To Do Before the Big Day

Bridal Hair
Bridal Hair By Melissa; Inspiration on left

Prior to your big day, it is important to do a few things to ensure that your hair and makeup goes as smoothly as possible! Follow this checklist:

  1. Get your color done! No one wants to remember those roots.
  2. Wax or thread your eyebrows, just not the day of. The makeup doesn’t adhere to the freshly waxed skin as well.
  3. Do a trial run with your artist. This is good for both you and the artist to know what to expect on the big day.
  4. Do your nails. Everyone will be looking at your ring!
  5. Get a facial about a week before the wedding. You can even set up a facial regiment with our estitcians after being engaged.

Questions and Answers on Bridal Hair and Makeup with Our Lead Bridal Artist

Bridal Hair
Bridal Hair by Melissa

I talked with our Lead Bridal Artist, Melissa, about bridal hair and makeup. She is absolutely wonderful at what she does. I would be lying if I did not say that everyone at the salon, clients and staff, make a point of say how pretty the styling she does is. My personal goal is to be as good as her at upstyles and makeup one day.

How long have you been doing bridal hair and makeup for?

Melissa: I have been doing bridal hair and makeup for about 5 years and I’ve loved every second of it.

What is your favorite thing about bridal hair and makeup?

Melissa: My favorite thing about it is bring out my client’s natural beauty! It amazing to make someone feel fabulous for their special day.

What is the biggest challenge when it comes to working with brides?

Melissa: I guess I would say the biggest challenge would be giving them exactly what they want. It is hard to make sure that they absolutely love it especially when they have high expectations.

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Hair Color Magic: Bombshell Blondes

Bombshell Blondes

Earlier this year I took my second Hair Color Magic class. It was the “Bombshell Blondes” segment. I was so excited for this class. Hair Color Magic is a line of AVEDA classes. They are meant to show why we formulate hair color the way we do. I had taken Hair Color Magic: Essentials 1 last year and absolutely loved it.

I was road tripping down to Rocky River, Ohio with two other girls from the salon, Evelyn and Mona. They had both had Jen Rawsky, our educator, before. They raved about her. I could not wait to take her class.

Bombshell Blondes
Hair Color Magic: Bombshell Blondes

Bombshell Blondes: Part 1

The first half of the class we went over what Hair Color Magic taught. Why we use blue/green instead of blue/violet and exactly how much. This was all a refresher form Hair Color Magic 1. It can be frustrating when you are repeating information. However, I try to look at it as a way to further solidify my knowledge. It makes me be able to instantly know to pick blue/green and it only needs 2 grams instead of 3.

Bombshell Blondes: Recess

We broke for lunch about halfway through the class. Evelyn, Mona, and I went to Penn Station for lunch. I was super excited about it because I had only been there once. But when I had, it was delicious. Walking in and reading their menu, I realized I was going to have a tough time. I recently became a vegetarian in March. Even though they had a vegetarian sandwich, it just wasn’t hearty like a sandwich normally is. I ordered that and fries with their signature lemonade. Mona also shared her cookie with me. If you want the best chocolate chip cookie you will ever eat in your life, go to Penn Station.

Bombshell Blondes: Continued

When we came back I was starting to learn some new stuff. We talked about how to formulate for AVEDA’s high lift tint, and how to create long lasting lowlights in blonde hair. We even made a swatch board! It was a great class per usual from Hair Color Magic. I would highly recommend any AVEDA colorist to take these classes. My favorite part about taking classes is how inspired and excited I am when I leave. I can never wait to get back into the salon and try the things I’ve learned!

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Balancing Work & Play at Ashka Salon Spa

Balancing Work

If you were to talk to my manager, she would tell you that I constantly struggle with balancing work and play. I have been caught multiple times asking if having down time is even worth it. Some people may even consider me a “workaholic”. Coming from someone who just adores her job and wants nothing but to be able to be the best she can be, squeezing in me time can be very difficult. I have found though, those off chances that I do pamper myself, are more than deserved.

Balancing Work
Balancing Work and Play can be harder than it seems.

Balancing Work with Play

How many times have you worked yourself so hard that you dread when your alarm clock goes off in the morning? While I am not saying we can make you love that (annoying) sound every morning, I can promise that we can help make it a little more bearable. I challenge you to end a long work week with a Manicure with Kym, or a Massage with Sarah. Maybe you even just need a trim so you can enjoy your complimentary scalp massage. At Ashka Salon Spa, we are working to give you some “me” time. We want you to put down your phone that can drive you batty during the work hours and just enjoy the peace and quiet with us. Book an appointment with Beth for a facial after a big presentation. Again, I promise you will love it.


“The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole, for making unexpected connections and waiting for the wild summer lightning strikes of inspiration—it is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done.” This was written by Tim Krieder for the New York Times. It is a wonderful quote. It shows how important downtime truly is. You need downtime in order to accomplish anything.

As I said before, I challenge you to set aside time for yourself. Away from your work. Away from your family. Away from any responsibilities. Enjoy your time in the serenity offered at Ashka Salon Spa

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Airbrush Makeup in Canton Michigan

Airbrush Makeup

With so many makeup brands, tutorials, and gurus out there nowadays, it is hard to keep it all straight. I feel like I even get overwhelmed with it all sometimes. Hopefully with this blog I am able to clear up just one of multiple options out there for you; Airbrush Makeup.

Airbrush Makeup
Airbrush Makeup by Mona

Airbrush Makeup Vs Traditional Makeup

At Ashka Salon Spa, we used to offer traditional makeup applications using AVEDA makeup. It was a hard decision but we finally switched over to strictly Airbrush Makeup a few years ago. There were many reasons behind this decision.

Airbrush Makeup looks flawless in photos. When you are using a brush or a sponge, it is very difficult to get every line blended perfectly so that our high tech HD cameras don’t pick up on them. With airbrush, because it is applied as a mist, those lines are automatically blended. This gives your face a natural perfect complexion.

Like I have already mentioned, it is applied in a sheer mist. This allows for your natural coloring to come through the makeup. This not only gives it a more natural look, but it also helps prevent “cake-face”.

The brand we use at Ashka Salon Spa is TEMPTU. It is waterproof. This means that it is also tear, sweat, and any other liquid proof to keep your look perfect throughout your event.

All in all, I truly believe Airbrush Makeup is the way to go for any special occasion you may have. It is just so lightweight and flawless looking. I personally love how it feels on my skin. If I didn’t know I had a full face of makeup on, I wouldn’t have guessed it simply because you feel fresh faced.


Airbrush Makeup
Airbrush Makeup by Jessie

Call today to set up your makeup application for your next event! 734-414-9980

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Sticker Extensions at Ashka Salon Spa

Sticker Extensions

Extensions are such a popular trend right now. At Ashka Salon and Spa we offer multiple times and brands of extensions. One of the types that we offer is Sticker Extensions. Sticker Extensions are a great way to create a lasting style that still is not as much of a commitment as some other extension types. Every summer I usually get sticker extensions put in my hair for a temporary pop of color. It’s perfect because I don’t have the commitment of a purple or blue streak in my hair but I also have long lasting results. I wore my purple extensions half of summer and it didn’t fade noticeably. I was able to swim and enjoy the summer sun without worrying about ruining my hair color!

Sticker Extensions – How Do They Work?

Sticker Extensions
Sticker Extensions for a Pop of Color

Sticker Extensions are just like how they sound; stickers! There is two pieces of hair that sandwich a small slice of your own hair and that is how they stay on. Our extension specialists will customize the placement and cut of your extensions so that you can have the look you’ve always wanted. You can use them for an whole head application, to add volume to your sides, or as accent pieces of color.

Sticker Extensions
Sticker Extensions

With all extension services at Ashka Salon Spa, we require a complimentary consultation. During this appointment you will see hair swatches of colors, get an exact price for your custom extensions, and learn exactly how it will work with your desired style. We do require that you put down a nonrefundable deposit of half of the cost for your extension appointment before booking your service. This pays for the cost of the hair as well as to hold your appointment for the day of.

Call today to see Lisa or I for your custom extensions! 734-414-9980

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Welcome Our New Team Member, Rachel!

Team Member

There are many different careers within the Beauty Industry. There are many different paths just within Ashka Salon Spa. If you are thinking that you may want a salon job, there is so many ways to go about it. One route would be to start working the front desk first. While this is a tasking job, it gives you a complete taste of what working in the salon would be like!

Many of you might have noticed a lot of new changes around the salon, including some new faces! We recently welcomed Rachel as a Front Desk Coordinator to our team. She is a wonderful addition as a new team member. Not only do we love her, I know our clients will too! Rachel is super friendly, and an amazing multitasker. I have full confidence that she will thrive at the front desk.

Who is Our New Team Member?

Rachel is so happy with her salon job!
Rachel is so happy with her salon job!

Rachel is a recent graduate from University of Michigan Dearborn with a degree in Psychology. She applied to Eastern Michigan University for graduate school. At EMU she hopes to study Social Work for Families and Children. She currently works two jobs including the front desk at Ashka Salon Spa as well as a group leader at Westland’s Youth Assistance Program. On top of that she also does a weekly paper route! When Rachel isn’t working or studying, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family. She can often be found at the baseball fields in Westland rooting on her dad, boyfriend, and many friends in their softball leagues.

Question and Answer with Our New Team Member on Her Salon Job

salon job
Enjoying Our Salon Job

What do you like most about working at Ashka Salon Spa?

Rachel: I like that everyone is so passionate about what they do. Everyone is happy without effort and it makes a huge difference!

What is the biggest change from your last job?

Rachel: The biggest change from my old job is that I have a lot more responsibility. I play a much bigger role in ensuring the company runs smoothly for service providers and clients.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve overcome so far at Ashka Salon Spa?

Rachel: The biggest challenge has been adapting to a job that I really did not have an experience with. My multitasking skills have greatly improved since starting at Ashka Salon Spa.

Would you recommend a salon job to someone? Why or why not?

Rachel: I would recommend a salon job to someone because it is an excellent example of what true customer service is. Working at a salon provides the opportunity to master customer service and communication skills among the staff. It is a job that provides you with skills that can be used to enhance future career opportunities.


A salon job can be hectic, but it is easily the most rewarding job I have ever worked. Ashka Salon Spa has definitely shaped me into the woman I am today. I believe that it is a great way to learn many life skills, even if your end goal isn’t to work in a salon for the rest of your life. Other salon job are manager, owner, service provider, and front desk assistant.

Like I said, I know that the entire Ashka Salon Spa family, including our clients are going to adore Rachel as much as I do! Be sure to welcome her to our team during your next appointment. Call today so she can help you book it! 734-414-9980

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂