Top 5 Hair Myths – Debunked or Proven True?

There are so many myths about everything that are floating around these days. It has become hard to know if you are truly helping yourself. Whether that means exercising, using the right products, or just eating the right things. While I am still trying to sort through all the information on other topics, I thought I could do my part by clearing up some common hair myths!

Hair Myths
Hair by Mona

Top 5 Hair Myths – Debunked or Proven True?

  1. Cutting your hair makes your hair grow.


    Hair grows from your follicle, inside your scalp. No outer interaction will have any effect on how your hair grows. However, if you keep up on regular trims, your hair will grow healthier and thicker. So that way, the next time you come in for a haircut, you don’t have to be worried that your hairdresser will want to take off an excessive amount of hair.

  2. If you pluck one grey hair, two grow back.


    No matter what, we cannot increase the amount of hair follicles that we have. This makes it impossible for more than one hair to come back after plucking. However, you still should avoid this because it can be damaging to your scalp and hair follicles. This habit may lead to potential bald spots in the future. To tame those pesky greys, call Ashka Salon Spa today to set up your regular hair color appointments.

  3. A cold rinse will add shine.


    By rinsing your hair with cold water right before you exit the shower, you are helping to seal your cuticle closed. When your cuticle is shut, your hair appears smoother. This gives light more surface area to bounce off of, making your hair appear shiner. Who doesn’t want shinier hair? If this isn’t enough shine for you, you can always pick up some of Aveda’s Light Elements Smoothing Fluid to add to your style.

  4. If you always use the same shampoo, it will eventually stop working for you.


    I have to admit, until I started doing my research for this blog, I completely believed this myth. If you were to look in my shower, you would see the multiple kinds of shampoo and conditioner (maybe a few stray bobby pins too) in there. However, I have been proven wrong! This is a total myth. I think I might have been just looking for some validity to my product problem!

  5. Unwashed hair is better for styling.


I’m hoping this cleared somethings up for you and you are feeling more confident in your hair care journey!

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂

Aveda Artist Instagram Challenge

Aveda Artist Instagram Challenge Entry

Aveda is now holding a monthly Instagram contest called the Aveda Artist Instagram Challenge. This past month, Ashka Salon Spa set up a photoshoot for us to get images to enter into the competition. I teamed up with Kay to create my image. I was in charge of the hair, and Kay did the make up for me!

What is the Aveda Artist Instagram Challenge?

Aveda has been putting on this challenge for a little while now. Every month Aveda picks one or two hashtags as the inspiration. The winner is chosen by the Instagram posts with the most likes. If you win, you get the amazing opportunity to be flown out to Minneapolis to the Aveda Headquarters. There you get to do another photoshoot with the Global Artistic Team as your mentors for the shoot. Here is an example of what you win!

What Did I Do for the Aveda Artist Instagram Challenge?

The hashtags for the month of September are #EcliptingColor and #TextureTonic. Eclipting Color is Aveda’s signature coloring technique. I used that method to apply the dimensional smokey tones on my model’s ends.

When It came to styling, I was so excited to use Aveda’s new Texture Tonic. This is Aveda’s version of a “Sea Salt Spray” but instead of just using salt, they actually have put sugar in as well. This helps to create a natural, touchable, undone look! I curled her longer side with a 1/4 inch curling iron and then used my fingers to comb through it, while spraying the texture tonic.

I really wanted the focus to be on the hair so we went simple with the make up. Kay did a simple cool toned smokey eye to play up her beautiful blue eyes, without taking too much away from the hair! She did an amazing job and I absolutely love it.

Aveda Artist Instagram Challenge Entry
Aveda Artist Instagram Challenge Entry

I would appreciate it so much if you followed this link HERE, over to instagram and gave my photo a like to help me win this amazing opportunity!

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂