AVEDA Hair Color Ingredients

AVEDA Hair Color Ingedients

Slowly but surely, the world is becoming more aware of what we are putting in our bodies. I personally have been trying to make steps towards healthiness. There are days that I fail miserably. Then there are days that I can tell I made good choices. It is also important to be aware what we are putting on our bodies. One way I pay attention to this is by choosing to only use AVEDA products. One product that tons of people apply to their body regularly is hair color. Many people are concerned about the chemicals that can be in their hair color. While it is a completely valid concern, hair color will not put you in an danger. Especially when you are at Ashka Salon Spa. AVEDA hair color ingredients are the best of the best.

AVEDA Hair Color Ingredients

Hair Color Ingredients
AVEDA Hair Color Ingredients

AVEDA hair color is up to 99% naturally derived. This means that it was made from plants instead of petrochemicals. This is virtually unheard of in the hair color world. As we as a society attempt to move towards health, using naturally derived hair color is a step in the right direction. AVEDA uses a signature mixture of protective plant oils. This includes castor, sunflower, and jojoba oils.

What is the Benefits of AVEDA’s Hair Color Ingredients?

Hair Color Ingredients
AVEDA Hair Color

As we as a society attempt to move towards health, using naturally derived hair color is a step in the right direction. AVEDA says that through the use of their hair color ingredients, you will get essentially damage free results! Due to all of the protective plant oils, AVEDA hair color will you give a ton of shine as well.

Be sure to try out a new AVEDA hair color look today using My AVEDA Makeover! Once you find a look you like, be sure to stop into Ashka Salon Spa so one of our amazing artists can help you achieve it.

Until Next Time,

Josie 🙂