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Bret Michaels |Rock for Jobs- Goodwill

I had the honor of spending Sunday afternoon with Steve, Lisa, and Jozie in Downtown Detroit. Because of the hard work Ashka put in to raise $20,065 dollars for Goodwill Industries last October, we were invited to the charity concert, “Rock For Jobs” that Goodwill puts on every year. This year the concert was at Sound Board at Motor City Casino, and Bret Michaels was the headliner! Yes, Bret Michaels from the band Poison, and also the star of one of my guilty pleasure shows “Rock Of Love.” Bret spent all afternoon Sunday visiting different Goodwill locations in Metro Detroit. He really is just a big rock of love, isn’t he? Aside from playing a free charity concert, he also donated $10,000 to Goodwill!

It was really neat to see our logo on the sponsor board, hanging out amongst the likes of the Detroit Lions, Meijer, and Pepsi! It was a proud moment for us.

Give back month 2014 will be here before we know it and you bet we will try to top our 2013 achievements. Cheers to you for supporting Ashka and allowing us to support Goodwill!


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