Slowly but surely more and more men are becoming interested in covering those pesky greys that seem to keep popping through. However, there is this (ridiculous) stigma that the salon and hair color is only for women. Luckily this is where AVEDA comes to the rescue. They recently launched their new Men’s Grey Blending line and I promise it is about to change the men’s hair color game forever.
How Does the Men’s Grey Blending Work?

AVEDA’s new Men’s Grey Blending color line is going to make more men color their hair now than ever. AVEDA has designed this color to take 5 minutes at the shampoo bowl. It doesn’t smell like hair color and can now be done on people’s lunch breaks! Most men do not like sitting around waiting for their color to process. This removes the extra time spent at the salon. It is super quick and easy!
When this first came out, my dad had came in for a haircut. I asked if i could try it on him and his initial reaction was “Dads aren’t for trying haircolor on. That is what Moms are for”. He reluctantly let me try it as long as I promised it wouldn’t be purple. I got a text from him within a half hour saying he liked it and might even want to do a darker color next time. 🙂
As you can see in the picture, the results are very subtle yet definitely different. It is like you took off 5 to 10 years instead of just coloring your hair. What I like most about this product is that it is so simple. I also like that it isn’t so dramatic that everyone will know you colored it!
Call the salon today to set up your appointment to reverse time. 😉
Until Next Time,
Josie 🙂