Best Haircuts For Women In Canton & South Lyon

Haircuts For Women In Canton and South Lyon

Great Haircuts For Women

What makes a great woman’s haircut? You want to feel your best, and your hair makes up a big part of how you feel about yourself. I think everyone would agree that having great hair stylist is important. It’s also noteworthy to identify the components that go into what the right haircut may be for you. Elements such as your face shape, hair texture, hair density, hair color and lifestyle all come into play when finding a great woman’s haircut.

What’s The Shape Of Things?

We are all looking for balance; balance in our lives, our health, and our nutrition to name a few. A hairstyle that compliments your face shape will achieve balance. When regarding your face shape the idea is to create a visual perception of evenness. The “ideal face shape” or face shape that requires the least amount of effort to achieve equilibrium, is an oval shape.
One example might be, someone having an oblong face shape requiring some volume on the sides to give that visual symmetry. You may want to choose a haircut that will provide this overall effect.

face shapes for women's haircuts

Texture Prevails!

What do we mean when we say hair texture? Is it the amount of curl or straightness what we’re talking about? Could it be how thick each hair strand is in circumference? The answer is yes to both of these! The amount of wave is a key component in determining your hair texture. Wavy, straight, curly and, tight curly hair would all be descriptors of hair texture. Additionally, fine hair would be hair that is smaller in circumference; coarse hair has a larger circumference. Therefore, some ways to describe hair texture could be fine wavy hair, coarse straight hair, medium tight curl hair…you get the idea. Your haircut should work with your hair texture and not against it.

What Is Your Density?

Density refers to how many hair strands in a given area. Thin hair means there would be fewer hair follicles per square inch than normal. Conversely, thick hair would have more hair follicles than normal. What is normal hair density you ask? The average person has 2,200 hairs per square inch. Counting the follicles in a given square inch could be a daunting task, so there tends to be a subjective analysis applied when identifying density. Your hair professional at Ashka Salon can give you an experienced opinion of your density.

Live In Your Dimension!

When considering a haircut it may be important to understand the visual impact of your hair color. There are a few elements at play here; length, layering, the dynamic of positive and negative space with your hair color. Do you have highlights, balayage, or special effects hair color? If so, you may want to contemplate the placement of the weight in your haircut.
There is a dimension created with the placement of color and weight, and as you move your head, this dynamic also moves and changes. As an example of this, let’s say you want lots of fun fashion colors placed throughout your hair. If your air is cut to one length, you will only see the colors that are toward the top, as the hair on top covers the rest. A woman’s haircut with some moderate layering would bring more of that color to the surface.

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Your Lifestyle And Women’s Haircut Trends.

Let’s face it, the number of choices to consider when it comes to women’s haircuts can seem overwhelming. Doing a little research using the components covered in this article evaluating your desired look considering: face shape, texture, dimension color, and density could get you and your hairstylist to that perfect haircut for you much sooner.

Finally, something to ruminate on is your lifestyle. Do you climb mountains or do spend your time in a board room landing that next big account? These are extreme examples of course, but the concept should still remain. You may love a sweeping bang, but find that it gets in your eyes as you are feeding your newborn baby. Picking the right haircut for a woman should be expressive of your personality and align with your career, family, and life choices.
Following trends can give inspiration and it gives us the opportunity to take an idea and make it work for us. Be unique and be yourself!

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