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Privacy and Data Collection

Who is collecting the data?

Bastion Enterprised LLC (Ashka Salon & Spa) | Triposa Enterprises Inc. ( Ashka Salon Plus)

What data is being collected?

We collect contact data from the user (Name/Email) to send emails in the future about
updates, and future products. This could include offers, promotions, coupons, or
free content that Ashka Salon makes. If an offer is purchased, we may collect payment
information from the user in order to process the order (Address, Phone Number, Bank Information).
What is the legal basis for processing the data?
We use permission marketing to get client data. The user opts-in to get an offer and we ask their
permission to contact them again in the future. Data is collected directly through the user.

Will the data be shared with any third parties?

We share our data with third parties only when necessary. Examples can be seen below:

-Mailchimp: Contact Management and Email Newsletter System
-Facebook: Advertising System
-Google: Analytics System
-Paypal: Payment Handling System
-Wordpress: Membership Site System
-Harms Software: Point of Sale & Marketing System
-Demandforce: Marketing, email, text & analytics

How will the information be used?

We use the data for analytics, backup saving, contacting the user, handling payments, membership site
access, registration and authentications, data transfering, remarketing and behavioral targeting, user
database management, online surveys, access to third party accounts, analysis and predictions based on
the User’s Data (“profiling”), automated decision-making, obtaining cookies for traffic analysis, advertising
and web analytics purposes.

How long will the data be stored for?

Data is stored until the user unsubscribes or asks for it to be deleted.

What rights does the data subject have?
The user can unsubscribe at any time.
The user has the right to be forgotten (delete their data).
The user can ask to see what data we have collected on them.

How can the data subject raise a complaint?

You can email [email protected] at any time to raise any question, comment, concern.

Owner and Data Controller
Bastion Enterprised LLC (Ashka Salon & Spa) | Triposa Enterprises Inc. ( Ashka Salon Plus)

Owner contact email: [email protected]

*If this policy changes, we will contact people using their email to let them know.