Benefits of Drinking Water

Drinking Water

I found myself thinking “water is life” earlier this week. With my new year resolution this year being to really focus on drinking water, it has been on my mind a lot lately. While I have always been told that drinking water is amazing for you, I realized that I have never actually looked into it myself. I did a little bit of research and this is what I found:

Drinking Water

What I Found to be the Top Benefits of Drinking Water

  1. Improves Skin Complexion
    – Another one of my New Year Resolutions is that I want to be more consistent with my skin care. As an esthetician, I recommend drinking water to my guests regularly. While I knew that water is great for your skin, to hear that it helps get rid of wrinkles and is “the best anti aging treatment around” sold me.
  2. Puts You in a Good Mood
    – Β How can anyone be mad about this benefit? If all I have to do is drink more water to be in a better mood; sign me up! No one wants to be a Debbie Downer and this could be a simple solution!
  3. Increases Energy and Relieves Fatigue
    – One of the sources I found brought up the point that our brain is made mostly of water. When we are fully hydrated, we are able to focus better. This is something that I can personally struggle with since I have been diagnosed with ADHD. If this will help me buckle down on what I need to, I am 100% down to try it.
  4. It’s FREE!
    – Have you ever noticed how much of a difference that coke or wine makes on your bill at the end of night? If you are only drinking water, you will definitely notice it in your wallet over time. I don’t know about you, but I would much rather spend my money on other things.

And there is multiple more benefits! All in all, drink more water! You, your esthetician, and your wallet will thank me later.

Until Next Time,

Josie πŸ™‚

Men’s Grey Blending with AVEDA

Results of Men's Grey Blending

Slowly but surely more and more men are becoming interested in covering those pesky greys that seem to keep popping through. However, there is this (ridiculous) stigma that the salon and hair color is only for women. Luckily this is where AVEDA comes to the rescue. They recently launched their new Men’s Grey Blending line and I promise it is about to change the men’s hair color game forever.

How Does the Men’s Grey Blending Work?

Men's Grey Blending
Men’s Grey Blending

AVEDA’s new Men’s Grey Blending color line is going to make more men color their hair now than ever. AVEDA has designed this color to take 5 minutes at the shampoo bowl. It doesn’t smell like hair color and can now be done on people’s lunch breaks! Most men do not like sitting around waiting for their color to process. This removes the extra time spent at the salon. It is super quick and easy!

When this first came out, my dad had came in for a haircut. I asked if i could try it on him and his initial reaction was “Dads aren’t for trying haircolor on. That is what Moms are for”. He reluctantly let me try it as long as I promised it wouldn’t be purple. I got a text from him within a half hour saying he liked it and might even want to do a darker color next time. πŸ™‚

Results of Men's Grey Blending
Results of Men’s Grey Blending (Not my dad)

As you can see in the picture, the results are very subtle yet definitely different. It is like you took off 5 to 10 years instead of just coloring your hair. What I like most about this product is that it is so simple. I also like that it isn’t so dramatic that everyone will know you colored it!

Call the salon today to set up your appointment to reverse time. πŸ˜‰

Until Next Time,

Josie πŸ™‚

Shake those Winter Blues at Ashka Salon Spa

Winter Blues

Everyone can agree that we have been having the most beautiful winter weather this past week here in Michigan! I can’t get enough of these 60 degree sunny days. It is going to hit me really hard if it doesn’t last. As someone who definitely suffers every year from the “Winter Blues”, Michigan winters can be long and hard for me. I know I cannot be the only one who gets a little more pep in their step at the first signs of spring.

Winter Blues
Winter Blues

What Are the Winter Blues Exactly?

The winter blues is something a lot of people of experience. Even in my own friend group I feel like I have this conversation multiple times a year with many different people! Of course everyone experiences this differently but I lose a lot drive during the winter months. The rest of the year I am more likely to want to try new things, work longer hours, and just overall be in a better mood. I am definitely guilty of packing on my winter layer with carbs, even more than I normally do. πŸ˜‰

The more official term for winter blues is “seasonal depression“. From my research, I found that the farther away you live from the equator the more likely you will suffer from seasonal depression. With the lack of vitamin d from the sun in the winter months, our brains are forced to work extra hard to produce melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that helps to regulate your sleep pattern and also is linked to depression.

To help regulate your seasonal depression, there are “sunbox” lights that replicate the beneficial effects of the sun!

Luckily the actual sun starts coming around more often just in time for spring!

What Helps Me Shake the Winter Blues in Time for Spring?

Once the sun starts to break through the clouds on a regular basis, I try to start focusing on myself. I tryΒ to get exercise into my daily routine in someway. I always get on a “I need to drink more water” kick right around springtime too. Last, but not least, I almost always need a hair change! πŸ™‚

My favorite thing to do in the spring is start to lighten up my hair again for the summer. I love that it can be subtle, or dramatic depending on how I’m feeling that year. And how big of a pick me up I might need. πŸ˜‰ As a stylist, spring hair is one of my favorite yearly transformations as well. I just cannot get enough of it.

Winter Blues

Highlights and Balayage all around! Call today to set up your appointment.

Until Next Time,

Josie πŸ™‚